
September 27, 2020

Target practice

Setting goals is the first step in twining the invisible to the visible [Tony Robbins].

As an early retired football striker, scoring goals were at times the only goals that were on my mind. Relentlessly chasing that next goal, always together with the team. Quickly realized when reflecting upon what goals I have made in the past – particularly the long-term goals – that it is something that I have not grasped properly, neither methodologically nor unintentionally. This has been something that has been more frequently applied as to a team – football team, group of friends, family, trade team etc.

What are my goals? Why these goals? What obstacles will these goals imply? What do I need to achieve these goals? Who should I cooperate and discuss them with?

I believe I have always tried to follow kind of “a superior goal”, and that is something in the line of:

To always base my decisions on what I believe will grant the people I care of and myself more joy, energy, interesting challenges and what can positively broaden our horizon.

Talking about individual goals: The approach thus far, both personally and professionally, has been much more short-term and random, apart from the aforementioned superior goal. It has been to be positive about everyday challenges, solve them creatively and in a manner with focus on embodying emotional labour – adding on that extra flavour to everything you do. This has been done for a reason; to excel in what I do, to increase the knowledge within a certain field and if that allow me to maybe climb the ladder as a natural consequence, that would be a bonus. However, realize that embracing a goal, working strategically and methodologically towards it, puts it all in a certain predefined frame – time, workload, difficulties, opportunities, among others. That is a bit scary.

The goal(s) would need to intrigue us sufficiently. So that we keep striving towards it although the hurdles at times may feel too frequent and too exhausting. Believe that setting goals that makes us leave the comfort zone is what makes us take the next step, excel in what we do – it should scare us but more so, intrigue us. Intrigue us to dedicate the necessary amount of work, time and not the least, the joy into achieving the goals you are setting.

Posted in Reflections
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